Love at last?

Wow, being the musicslut I am, I find that rarely experience true love when it comes to certain songs or artists. But I think after I discovered a bunch of Imogen Heap's songs, I got pretty darn close. It wasn't so much "discovering" I guess, but more like...Picking up a shiny penny by chance, but losing it in a pocket in a pair of jeans, and one day, reaching in and finding out it was still in there, and it was way awesomer than I had ever fathomed. I stretched that metaphor a bit, but boy am I glad I found this penny.

Never before have the very first few seconds of a song entranced me so much, than the song Speeding Cars by Imogen Heap. This song- and all her songs actually- are all so BEAUTIFUL and are like little musical pieces of art. The lyrics and Imogen's lilting vocals just DRAW you in to another world, while the song composition itself, twists and turns, swoops and swoons, paints and creates, layers and LAYERS of rhythm beats and syncopation. Seriously, the more you listen to each song, the deeper in you fall. She's hard to define, genre-wise, but after listening you sort of just don't care anymore.

This is music.

Pure music, and beauty, and passion, and no label can change what she does. There's really no way to fully explain this music without hearing it yourself. In fact it's less like hearing. And more like feeling. When you listen, try and feel your way through the billowing layers of the wonderful enigmas Imogen Heap has created.

I definitely am feeling this music.

"Here's the day you hoped would never come. Don't feed me violins, just run with me through rows of speeding cars. The paper-cuts and cheating lovers, the coffee's never strong enough. I know you think it's more than just bad luck." <3>


I hate a lot of things.

Not too shabby of a Labor Day, IMO. Despite being dragged out to hike almost as soon as I woke up, I had an awesome time with my family, which sadly does not happen all that often, not regarding the "awesome" but more, the "time". Even during the summer, we didn't get to do much together, so this was pretty cool.
Some of the highlights:
1. Seeing like...20 lizards and yet still jumping and stopping when spotting one.
2. Me: "Raymond, if you don't shut up, I'll push you off the mountain."
Dad: "Ha! Then RAYmond, will become ROLL-mond. HAHAHAH"
...Don't ask, its some Asian dad humor.
3. Fending off bees from our SPAM and croissants. What a feast.
4. My parents commenting on how they were "outliers" in the age range of the customers at Verde.
5. Me: "These are my lazy weekend pants."
Raymond: "These are my fatty pants."
Me: "Doesn't that also make them 'everyday' pants?"
Raymond: "I knew you were going to say that. T__T"

And anyways out of all this, I realized how many things I hate and complain about on a daily basis. Like hiking for example. Honestly, I really don't even like nature that much. I just don't see the appeal of trudging up a steep hill, surrounded by dead leaves and some branches, sweating under the hot sun. On the same note, I also don't understand camping. I don't like annoying bugs, or any kinds of birds or fish. I also don't like horror movies, people who use "your" instead of "you're" or vice versa, kids with wheelies, changing in dressing rooms, seeing people I don't really know that well and deciding whether or not to say hi, and lukewarm drinks. And there must be so much more...

But do you know what I AM liking right about now? The idea that my mom might set up a PMT shop .Like. ACTUALLY set up. It's insane. I like...the fact that my super-nice/generous/awesome friend is gonna lend me a guitar to fudge my way around on. Even if I suck at it, it'll be fun. *sigh.. That's what I told your mom last night but she just wouldn- heheh. I kid. I also like finishing my first Chem Pre-lab without much of a hitch. I like the fact that I tried composing a song on the piano and didn't totally fail and actually wrote it all down. It was pretty easy, I just used the same four chords in the same progression over and over again.

But that being said, school IS starting tomorrow, and I'm def not likin' that.


Listening To: My crappily recorded, half-assed first attempt at song composition, currently title-less and lyric-less