Angel Pix

So today I went to a CTY reunion at Great Mall Milpitas. I think reunion-awkwardness is something we all have to face, and it really does kind of suck. Despite how well we got along at camp a few weeks ago, its a bit weird to meet up again under different circumstances at a different place. I definitely got a bit of that "first-week-of-camp-standing-in-a-circle-awkwardly" vibe towards the beginning. At one point some of us even stood at the fountain and threw in a coin and wished, "I wish things would get less awkward." *fail. But I still remembered why I liked all of these people, and why it was fun being around them. And eventually things got better, and we had a good time, considering we hadn't talked to each other in a while.

There wasn't much shopping going on for the first few hours. IDK, in my opinion, its just pretty dang awkward to go shopping in large groups of people. First off, there's not many stores appropriate for both boys and girls.and even so. T___T. Maybe it's just me, but I find it SUPERR AWKWARD when there are people waiting for me to finish shopping. Mostly because I take forever, rifling through the clothes racks, and I end up picking five thousand bajillion items to try on. And then it takes me a while to meticulously try each item on, sometimes in different combinations. And then I have to decide whether to swap colors/
sizes, or whether it looks good, or if its worth the money. And half the time as I'm walking over to the register, I change my mind and dash back to grab some more stuff. SO BASICALLY. Shopping + Me= huge hassle, so I feel terrible forcing other people to be added to this equation. *sigh. It made it even worse that none of the guys seemed to want to head to any of their own stores and they always followed us without ever complaining. *guilt

I think those asian photobooths were pretty much the reunion's saving grace. Not only did we bond in our total azn-photobooth noobness, but it was pretty funny to try and organize each shot with each other. LOL, those super fob girls who worked there must have looked us up and down and were like "wtf?". Especially cuz we all first wandered back into a booth for about 10 minutes, before re-emerging sheepishly after realizing we had to get coins. :-/. We definitely felt a little overwhelmed walking into that little maze of booths, with J-pop playing full-blast all around us. We all laughed at the little sign written on the flap of the booth: There is a unique machine, in which dreams come true, in which friends get together, in which stickers make us happy, let's join in hime gumi.

...Nice. How could you say no to that? After finally deciding on a booth with monkey bars (disaster in the making?), we all settle and cram in. The booth seemed all futur
istic with glowing white walls, and a green screen for a background. At first I laughed at the sign above the touchscreen monitor that said "Please do not bang head here". But thats pretty much what I wanted to do after the picture taking started. T__T After nervously prodding at the touch screen, not fully understanding what was going on, we try and ready ourselves for the shot.. only to get a fail-shot of us all laughing our asses off. "OKAY, you guys next one..next one we do blowfish, okay ready?" ..But of course not everyone got the memo. We all found it highly amusing that our friend's green shirt melded into the green screen background and changed per photo. :D After a few sequences of photos where nothing we planned quite worked out, we rapidly chose a few photos, and under pressure of the timer, chose the wrong one. ..Oh well.

The decorating booth was if possible, even more confusing and stressful. With countless options, all in Japanese, consisting of a series of hearts, sparkles, bubbles and text, we were all unsure of how to properly execute it.
"Um. I don't know what to do"
*nervously places sparkles in corner
"That looks bad."
*long pause
"..You guys, I really don't know what to do".
"Screw it, I'm done."
We had fun putting smiley faces in place of each others' faces, placing strategically placed sparkles in everyone's teeth, and accidentally placed sparkles in *cough questionable areas, while writing out CTY-esque phrases across the bottom. After a while, I do think we sort of got the hang of it, although our decorated pictures were probably significantly tackier than all the other ones hung up. ^___^

I think all of us can safely say that our first azn-photobooth experience was a confusing, mind boggling, stressful blur of green-screens, J-pop, sparkles and screaming at the touch scre
en for cutting you off before you selected the right option. But I can't say we didn't have loads, and loads and LOADS OF fun. Maybe I'll post some if I get the chance. As an azn-photobooth virgin, I think we can all look back fondly on our first time. :)

And our second.

And third.

..Yes, we went three times.

Edit: Pics posted now! Only. As said before. No one is reading this :(

-L. Wu


Only I can feel awkward whilst blogging.

Hey everyone. Or rather no one. I'm getting that weird feeling you get two seconds after you realize that the person you've been talking to has walked away and you've been talking to air for the past five minutes. ...hmm.

Well. Here it is, I guess. Me on a blog? Can't say this is going to work out spectacularly well, but we'll give it a shot. This is me, posting my day to day awkward moments, epic fail moments, perhaps even a couple of win-moments (few and far between, my friends), maybe a couple of teen angsty, whiny moments...Or just any sort of random occurrences that I find significant (or perhaps insignificant?) enough to post here.

Peace. :D

...wow that was so not cool when I said it. Or typed, rather

I should stop now.