Lisa, Make Love (It's Okay)

No, that is not just a reassurance to myself. It's the name of a song by a band called "Oh No! Oh My" and I thought the lyrics were hilarious and at the same time pathetically accurate. I mean, the song starts out, "Lisa had problems with talking to boys. She was lonely, and tired, and sad." ....:( How sad it is that I discover this depressing song right around homecoming time, when it is about to be proven true. Meh. Maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy or something.

Haha I'm totally JK, I was actually pretty damn psyched that there was a song with my name in it. My dad gets excited with these type of thing too. Like his name is "Frank" and he made a big fuss over the frankfurters in the supermarket, lol. Speaking of Asian dads, Kevjumba made a new video with his daddy in it, and it was hilarious as always. I swear my dad talks almost exactly like that, especially the way his dad said, "Your fans sucks!" Anywhooo, take a look :)

Lately, there's really not been much going on. This week was a mixed bags of highs and lows..the most obvious lows being my C on my first math quiz :( :(. I really should show my parents but I just CAN'T because they'll freak out and think I'm failing already even though I have chances to bring it up. And they'll spring a tutor on me. Idk why, but I feel very opposed to getting any sort of tutoring for some reason. I guess it's my individualism? LAWL jk. But other than that there were some truly fantastic moments strewn about throughout this week, including where I bought a pretty BAMF jacket (if only it were leather) at Goodwill for about 8 bucks. Technically, Sharon bought it, at least until I pay her back. Haha, sorry Seung, for objecting you to our aimless wanderings around the store and awkward conversations about girl problems. Let's go do something manlier next time.

Looking forward to a hopefully enjoyable and not too stressful Labor Day weekend. :-/
Listening To: "The Sun", by Maroon 5

I am so perverted, but LOOK AT THIS!

Just a really quick post of something funny I came upon this evening. My brother's friend was over today and they were playing with these Power Ranger action figure/walkie talkies today and they must have left them in my room. Only. They left them standing in a VERY questionable position. Luckily, I was amused enough to take a picture. Take a look.

I like how the red one's arm is fist-pumping like..."SUCCESS!" Lolol. If this was done on purpose, Ima need to have a little talk with my brother.... :-/ You can now leave feeling sufficiently violated. :D



A New Week is around the CORNER

yeah okay, that sounded a lot better in my head. I hate it when that happens, you know? when you got like a bajillion awesome ideas but you don't know how to express it on paper. It gets beyond frustrating. But there are the some lucky times when by just writing, it kinda organizes a lot of thoughts out. Hence, why we're writing blogs. Sometimes, I like to write poems (no, im not depressed) ^____^ but yeah, it helps. this poem was a lucky one and it got published in two books, even though im SURE theres room for lots of improvement! Let me know your reactions or any places you think I can improve. It would help a lot :)


A rain rhapsody throws a canopied veil over the world,
Heaving its burden to the ground,
In a black and white silence.

She walks along the railroad,
Grimacing at the etchings of her stained past.
Tearing at the map of her lost soul,
A phantom of yesterday.

The tears of the sky enveloping her,
Her head is held high,
While her closed eyes plead.

The water seeps through her thin cotton clothing,
Rippling through her glistening skin,
As it purges faceless memories in f minor.

Rain begins to blow away the dust,
Singing a serenade to the girl jailed in her woven cocoon,
Entreating her tremulous heart to wake up,
To hold its hand – an escapade,
A metamorphosis,
one, two, babysteps.

- sharoon <3

P.S. oh and yes "map of her lost soul" was all inspired by EPIK HIGHH. YAY :D

The Mountain of Truth

Okay, so I have to share this story I "wrote" with my brother. Basically he forgot about it until Sunday night. Yeesh, I know, fifth grade and already procrastinating tsk tsk. and all he had was a measly draft and a vague idea, and who gets stuck to help him fudge it out? Yeuppp, you guessed it. Two hours of sleep, gone. The best part? The story was due TUESDAY, not MONDAY. At least I got paid to do it. :)
So without further ado, it is my great honor to present:
By Raymond Wu

Summary by Lisa Wu
So basically, there are these two brothers right? And they arrive at this BIG mountain, one of those stereotypical movie ones, complete with jagged rocks and tons of mysterious fog. The younger brother is named John, and for some reason the main character, who is speaking from first person, has no name. I will call him Bubbie. So Bubbie and John are at the Mountain of Truth in hopes of reaching the "Magic Ball", who knows answers to all questions. They want to ask the Magic Ball where their real parents are (typical), because their foster parents that they were left with since they were very young are cruel and greedy people (as always).

As they're climbing, they reach this giant fissure in the ground. Bubbie suggests they use his handy dandy rope and hook (because all 12- year olds have one, duh) to cross the fissure. John, being the annoying younger brother he is, complains and tries to start walking back, but in his stupidity and partly due to the fog, walks straight into the fissure. LE GASP! Fortunately, Bubbie has lightning-fast reflexes and saves his idiotic brother from plunging to his untimely death in the abyss. John is thankful, but shaken, as they continue their journey.

Eventually after scaling a large rock face, the brothers arrive at a small lake. There is a signpost that says "BEWARE OF PIRANHAS" and and old rickety bridge (can you COUNT the cliches in this story?) Though it is established that John is a moron, apparently this runs in the family, because Bubbie decides not to test the limits of this old rotted bridge and picks instead to DIRECTLY SWIM AMONGST THE MAN-EATING PIRANHAS. Do not ask me why. However, he suddenly discovers, that like me, he is not to talented of a swimmer (although I passed the swim test, hellyeah!). He begins to struggle and flail, and his brother jumps in and saves him. Yay for brotherly love. "That's one for one," said John, smiling. Dude my brother came up with that. T___T

So. This is the moment they have been waiting for. The Magic Ball, in all its glorious magic-ness and ball-ness, floats before them. Giddy with glee, Bubbie approaches the Ball with reverence. He asks...the question, THE question, the QUESTION, THE QUESTION, to end all questions: "Where are my real parents?"

The Magic Ball pauses before answering in a deep, rumbly voice (a la Morgan Freeman) answering uselessly, "I do not know where your parents are." And John, perhaps rightfully so, begins to flip the hell out. I mean they just braved dark abysses, steep rock faces and bloody piranhas and this dumb ball can't even answer a simple question. However, Bubbie understands. "John..our parents..They're gone." John is still like..."wth?!"

The Magic Ball then speaks again: "Your parents will never truly be gone." before freakin' exploding into an acid trip of gold shimmery lights. Suddenly...that weird harp music plays, and an image appears on the Ball...It's a memory. Think Pensieve. It shows a man and a woman clutching two infant boys. Tearfully, they lay the boys in a cardboard box in front of a doorstep. The woman sobs and says, "I hope that they'll be happy, and that they'll know no matter what happens, as long as they have..EACH OTHER, we will always be with them." Fade to black.

So apparently this makes everything aiight again, so John smiles and says, "Come on, let's head home" in that classic, overly-hearty way people say things at the end of happy movies. Complete with sunset in the background and cheesy music, Bubbie heads home with his brother John- with his parents "by his side".
*cue "awwwwwwwwwwwww's"


All I can say is he better get a fricken A, am I right? LOL.


Nice Ass-Guy

me: like i said
he's an okay person and a nice guy, but he has so many weird-ass behaviors that i would never be his best friend or anything
itd be way too annoying
Sharon: OH lol i mixed nice guy and weird ass
so i saw "nice ass"
and i was like
Haha this happens to us SO much. Thought I'd post this funny conversation before I forget.

Un. com. for. table.

Just finished my very first journalism assignment of the year. And it's probably the biggest journalism fail everrrr. It was just an article on my journalism teacher, but boy was that way harder than I thought it would be! I already learned a couple things:
1. Actually WRITE quotes down directly or you end up just fudging all the quotes.
2. Try and take notes that are actually discernible and coherent when you view them a few days later.
3. Making/asking your own questions is actually quite helpful when it comes down to the quotes actually being relevant to your angle, rather than being about her liking pasta or sneaking out with her boyfriend in high school.

But yeah. Something about journalism/joining the newspaper makes me nervous and stressed. Heck, almost everything about sophomore year makes me nervous. I'm not sure what it is but thinking about being actually on the paper and expected to conduct interviews and turn out articles on deadlines hella scares me. I wish I could be one of those people who is fearless regardless of the unknown-ness of their situation, but I'm really not. I hate the feeling of having to deal with new situations, or rising to new and different expectations. My whole life I've been scared of doing new things on my own, straying from my comfort zone. It's just all very...uncomfortable.

Speaking of uncomfortable, this advertisement I saw made me VERY uncomfortable. Or more like.."WTF??!"

Listening to: "Feel Good Inc."- Gorillaz

Flagpole Fails: "Makes Me Happy"

I almost forgot what the semi-not-really-purpose of this blog was: to chronicle awkward moments of our lives. Although this doesn't top the charts in awkwardness, it felt rather strange. So I have the same name as one of my previous teachers, who worked her last year but moved away. Apparently, my current history teacher was friends with her.
*first day of school
OMG, LISAWU! Everyday I read your name I'm gonna cryyyyyyy
Me: Um. Cool?
*next day
Me: Yeah...
Haha, I should probably not call you LISAWU. It just makes me happy that you're a LISAWU.
Me: *awkward
Me: *picks up water bottle and takes drink
Me: ...It makes me happy too.
Some girl: ...That's a lie.

What an auspicious way to start class this year. Speaking of awkward, that's how I would describe the unfortunate ratio of my posts to Sharon's posts. I'm such a chatterbox. We want to hear from you too, Sharon :(
Listening to: "Lady Melody" by Tom Frager