Lisa, Make Love (It's Okay)

No, that is not just a reassurance to myself. It's the name of a song by a band called "Oh No! Oh My" and I thought the lyrics were hilarious and at the same time pathetically accurate. I mean, the song starts out, "Lisa had problems with talking to boys. She was lonely, and tired, and sad." ....:( How sad it is that I discover this depressing song right around homecoming time, when it is about to be proven true. Meh. Maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy or something.

Haha I'm totally JK, I was actually pretty damn psyched that there was a song with my name in it. My dad gets excited with these type of thing too. Like his name is "Frank" and he made a big fuss over the frankfurters in the supermarket, lol. Speaking of Asian dads, Kevjumba made a new video with his daddy in it, and it was hilarious as always. I swear my dad talks almost exactly like that, especially the way his dad said, "Your fans sucks!" Anywhooo, take a look :)

Lately, there's really not been much going on. This week was a mixed bags of highs and lows..the most obvious lows being my C on my first math quiz :( :(. I really should show my parents but I just CAN'T because they'll freak out and think I'm failing already even though I have chances to bring it up. And they'll spring a tutor on me. Idk why, but I feel very opposed to getting any sort of tutoring for some reason. I guess it's my individualism? LAWL jk. But other than that there were some truly fantastic moments strewn about throughout this week, including where I bought a pretty BAMF jacket (if only it were leather) at Goodwill for about 8 bucks. Technically, Sharon bought it, at least until I pay her back. Haha, sorry Seung, for objecting you to our aimless wanderings around the store and awkward conversations about girl problems. Let's go do something manlier next time.

Looking forward to a hopefully enjoyable and not too stressful Labor Day weekend. :-/
Listening To: "The Sun", by Maroon 5


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