I am so perverted, but LOOK AT THIS!

Just a really quick post of something funny I came upon this evening. My brother's friend was over today and they were playing with these Power Ranger action figure/walkie talkies today and they must have left them in my room. Only. They left them standing in a VERY questionable position. Luckily, I was amused enough to take a picture. Take a look.

I like how the red one's arm is fist-pumping like..."SUCCESS!" Lolol. If this was done on purpose, Ima need to have a little talk with my brother.... :-/ You can now leave feeling sufficiently violated. :D



Sean Jian said...

Why it's in Japanese, I don't know, but that's the first thing that popped into my head.

Anonymous said...

^ uho!ii otoko!
i love it lisa....that's like,,,you and me girlie;)

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