Un. com. for. table.

Just finished my very first journalism assignment of the year. And it's probably the biggest journalism fail everrrr. It was just an article on my journalism teacher, but boy was that way harder than I thought it would be! I already learned a couple things:
1. Actually WRITE quotes down directly or you end up just fudging all the quotes.
2. Try and take notes that are actually discernible and coherent when you view them a few days later.
3. Making/asking your own questions is actually quite helpful when it comes down to the quotes actually being relevant to your angle, rather than being about her liking pasta or sneaking out with her boyfriend in high school.

But yeah. Something about journalism/joining the newspaper makes me nervous and stressed. Heck, almost everything about sophomore year makes me nervous. I'm not sure what it is but thinking about being actually on the paper and expected to conduct interviews and turn out articles on deadlines hella scares me. I wish I could be one of those people who is fearless regardless of the unknown-ness of their situation, but I'm really not. I hate the feeling of having to deal with new situations, or rising to new and different expectations. My whole life I've been scared of doing new things on my own, straying from my comfort zone. It's just all very...uncomfortable.

Speaking of uncomfortable, this advertisement I saw made me VERY uncomfortable. Or more like.."WTF??!"

Listening to: "Feel Good Inc."- Gorillaz


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