The Mountain of Truth

Okay, so I have to share this story I "wrote" with my brother. Basically he forgot about it until Sunday night. Yeesh, I know, fifth grade and already procrastinating tsk tsk. and all he had was a measly draft and a vague idea, and who gets stuck to help him fudge it out? Yeuppp, you guessed it. Two hours of sleep, gone. The best part? The story was due TUESDAY, not MONDAY. At least I got paid to do it. :)
So without further ado, it is my great honor to present:
By Raymond Wu

Summary by Lisa Wu
So basically, there are these two brothers right? And they arrive at this BIG mountain, one of those stereotypical movie ones, complete with jagged rocks and tons of mysterious fog. The younger brother is named John, and for some reason the main character, who is speaking from first person, has no name. I will call him Bubbie. So Bubbie and John are at the Mountain of Truth in hopes of reaching the "Magic Ball", who knows answers to all questions. They want to ask the Magic Ball where their real parents are (typical), because their foster parents that they were left with since they were very young are cruel and greedy people (as always).

As they're climbing, they reach this giant fissure in the ground. Bubbie suggests they use his handy dandy rope and hook (because all 12- year olds have one, duh) to cross the fissure. John, being the annoying younger brother he is, complains and tries to start walking back, but in his stupidity and partly due to the fog, walks straight into the fissure. LE GASP! Fortunately, Bubbie has lightning-fast reflexes and saves his idiotic brother from plunging to his untimely death in the abyss. John is thankful, but shaken, as they continue their journey.

Eventually after scaling a large rock face, the brothers arrive at a small lake. There is a signpost that says "BEWARE OF PIRANHAS" and and old rickety bridge (can you COUNT the cliches in this story?) Though it is established that John is a moron, apparently this runs in the family, because Bubbie decides not to test the limits of this old rotted bridge and picks instead to DIRECTLY SWIM AMONGST THE MAN-EATING PIRANHAS. Do not ask me why. However, he suddenly discovers, that like me, he is not to talented of a swimmer (although I passed the swim test, hellyeah!). He begins to struggle and flail, and his brother jumps in and saves him. Yay for brotherly love. "That's one for one," said John, smiling. Dude my brother came up with that. T___T

So. This is the moment they have been waiting for. The Magic Ball, in all its glorious magic-ness and ball-ness, floats before them. Giddy with glee, Bubbie approaches the Ball with reverence. He asks...the question, THE question, the QUESTION, THE QUESTION, to end all questions: "Where are my real parents?"

The Magic Ball pauses before answering in a deep, rumbly voice (a la Morgan Freeman) answering uselessly, "I do not know where your parents are." And John, perhaps rightfully so, begins to flip the hell out. I mean they just braved dark abysses, steep rock faces and bloody piranhas and this dumb ball can't even answer a simple question. However, Bubbie understands. "John..our parents..They're gone." John is still like..."wth?!"

The Magic Ball then speaks again: "Your parents will never truly be gone." before freakin' exploding into an acid trip of gold shimmery lights. Suddenly...that weird harp music plays, and an image appears on the Ball...It's a memory. Think Pensieve. It shows a man and a woman clutching two infant boys. Tearfully, they lay the boys in a cardboard box in front of a doorstep. The woman sobs and says, "I hope that they'll be happy, and that they'll know no matter what happens, as long as they have..EACH OTHER, we will always be with them." Fade to black.

So apparently this makes everything aiight again, so John smiles and says, "Come on, let's head home" in that classic, overly-hearty way people say things at the end of happy movies. Complete with sunset in the background and cheesy music, Bubbie heads home with his brother John- with his parents "by his side".
*cue "awwwwwwwwwwwww's"


All I can say is he better get a fricken A, am I right? LOL.


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