google that shit

bahahaha im in history and i just thought it was really funny when lisa said that.

and im not capitalizing any of my stuff and lisas gonna get hellaz pissed ^_____^

Lisa: LOL
we were talking about
monta vista
because we have to write a footbal story
and someone was like
isnt it one of those sea cow things?
and mrs. blackburn is like
thats a manatee.
me: WHOOOA i didnt even know there was a thing called a sea cow
Lisa: IDK it just looks like it
google that shit
me: i didd
lolol its so funny looking.

the sea cow is officially now my new favorite animal. its so funny loookinnn... like you. tehe, i kid.


ITS SO CHUBBZ. oh and we recorded (we as in dylan, brandon, seung, and mee) a video on lisas wall on facebook and it was mucho awkwardo cuz mr. collier caught us :O
