lying on my bed at 11 AM , staring at the stars hanging from my ceiling. thinking about life.

They just hang there, slowly spinning from almost imperceptible drafts. As I stare at them, still half-asleep and groggy, it is hard not to think about life.

I couldn't tell what I was thinking at that moment- whether I was happy or sad, frustrated or confused. It was just one of those strange moments of total contentment, ones that seem so simple and unassuming, until your life gets hard again.

Like the moments where you fish around in your bowl of pho for more meat, savory smells all around you. Like the moments where you cruise around Costco eating free cheese and sausage. Like the moments where you rock out to Party in the USA while eating dried mangoes. Facebook conversations about Harry Potter, slacking off during sit ups in PE and lying in the sun. It's the moments that sneak by you with barely a sound that resonate the most.

It's Daylight Savings and it's difficult not to look upon that one hour that seemingly slipped from our lives. The moment the clock struck 12, was it 1 AM? Was that one hour that should have been there, suddenly gone forever?

Time is ticking, and I hope I can make the most of it.

Note: I realize that this blog was supposed to address our awkward moments in life and such and it's quickly become a place to vent all my emo feelings. LIFE IS TOO BUSY TO BE AWKWARD RIGHT NOW!! *sigh


My Hero!

(first post of 2010! we fail at keeping this alive)

Have you ever learned something about someone that changes the entire scope of your friendship? Thinking you've known them, but suddenly it's as if a coin has been flipped, and your world, from head to tails? This isn't one of those petty "Why didn't you tell me" or "Thanks for leaving me out of the loop" moments. It's one of those "I am truly in awe of the person that you are"moments.

It's almost as if this hurricane has been raging in your life, me right alongside it, only I didn't feel a thing. Though you probably went through winds and rain, I stood by unscathed and unbothered. It still feels as if it's something that happens in those intense books and overly dramatic soaps, and not something that happens to your best friend. That you were that one unfortunate statistic in the bunch, the one we never think about. How did you survive it all? My heart breaks for what you've had to go through alone.

Now I see that God has truly been at work in your life. Though you undoubtedly leave this scarred, all I see is purity in you, no blemishes, no damage on your soul. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you've come out of this a better, and more beautiful person. I always thought of you as someone who cared unconditionally for her friends, often to sacrifice paid on your part. I remember every single time I had felt the slightest bit upset or annoyed at the world, and you always made me love it again. You share my joy, and my sadness, my flaws and mistakes.... And I can never repay you for how much you've done for me.

Life will probably go on as normal, as you said it should. I'll still joke with you and laugh with you and win arguments with you (heheh). I'll still watch Friends and tacky reality TV shows with you. I'll still risk making pasta and French toast with you. But I'll always think of you as more than just a good friend (not in that way, perv). You are wonderful, and you truly give me hope.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

google that shit

bahahaha im in history and i just thought it was really funny when lisa said that.

and im not capitalizing any of my stuff and lisas gonna get hellaz pissed ^_____^

Lisa: LOL
we were talking about
monta vista
because we have to write a footbal story
and someone was like
isnt it one of those sea cow things?
and mrs. blackburn is like
thats a manatee.
me: WHOOOA i didnt even know there was a thing called a sea cow
Lisa: IDK it just looks like it
google that shit
me: i didd
lolol its so funny looking.

the sea cow is officially now my new favorite animal. its so funny loookinnn... like you. tehe, i kid.


ITS SO CHUBBZ. oh and we recorded (we as in dylan, brandon, seung, and mee) a video on lisas wall on facebook and it was mucho awkwardo cuz mr. collier caught us :O


Music is amazing, amen?

I've already reiterated several times about how wonderful and amazing music can be. But sometimes people take music to a new level, using new and creative instruments, changing and twisting music into something humorous, something innovative, something different. Youtube is a great source of these amazing musical feats.
There are people who can play the saw like its the grandest violin ever made, produce pure sweet tones from glasses of water, and people who create their rhythms and beats with just a single pen and table surface.
Some people create their own beats and sounds using their own mouths, also called beatboxing. This kid is sick. Just plain sick. This guy beatboxes with a flute.
Other people create awesome remixes, song mash-ups, and inventive interpretations. This guy does beautiful piano covers of popular songs. A large percentage of them are better than the originals, IMO.
There are also those who produce creative music videos. Some are cute, some are fun and clever. There are also these typography animations, which I always find mesmerizing to watch. This isn't on Youtube but, this is a music video a for a song set up that actually allows you to interact with it. Awesome stuff.

Wish I could do stuff like this.

Every little piece of you

I think what Lisa said in the previous post is so true, in that sometimes I feel I spend far too much time feeling down, or throw myself a very.. lame pity party. It's a sad thing really, I think, that I am affected by some things that I should not care about. Those little things that don't mean anything, and hopefully I'll laugh about in the future and say what a drama queen I was in those teenage days. But lately, I have been feeling like I'm such a burden to my friends, in that I'm the only one benefiting. Like..parasitism, that whole type of symbiotic relationship - yeap, just like that. And then today, I think it was mixed in with a bad day at work, but my mom just said to me: "I really wish I didn't have you." And that kinda, just struck me really hard. It struck me in a way that I realized I had become so lost in my own world, that for a while, I had forgotten, just how important my mom was to me. And to know that I was a burden to HER - my own mommy, made me feel like such a failure. But with some tears + music (very importanto!)+ lisas article with hopes graffiti (so cute :D) I realized that I'll have to change my mom's mind. How? Through changing the way I perceive things, and of course - through prayer.

I need to be less of a ppjk (party pooper joy killer) and be more like TOTORO. <- this guy is epic! hes so big and fluffy. man, I wish I had a Totoro - and we would stand in the rain with a teeny sprout over our heads hahaha nah, really, I hope I can really try to show everyone that I really am happy - inside and out - and well show the most important person that I'm happy with who I am.

myself, i guess.


P.S. oh! and relation to the title, im currently obsessed with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IB4eWBqVyk&feature=channel_page