Sadness is another word for a huge waste-of-time

Somebody pretty wise told me that the other day. And it definitely is true. I've wasted so many nights of my life thinking about everything wrong that has happened to me, all the crap I've gone through, all the crap I will go through in years to come. And all that sadness, ultimately, has amounted to nothing. I've mourned over the moments dead and gone, but I was too stupid to realize that because of that, I could no longer smile for the future. So this year, things are gonna be different. Despite the stress, the difficult tests that I may or may not bomb, the assignments that I may or may not complete, the friends that I may or may not keep...In the grand scheme of things, my life is great and there's nothing to complain about.
There's always something to smile about, and even if you don't think so, you manage to make someone else smile too.
Something my friend posted a while ago that I didnt look at back then cuz my internet was down:

(btw, I love you too Hope :))
Basically, even if your life seems like it sucks, there are always people in your life who you can count on, and who count on you as well. Make your life a happy one.

Sorry this post was so lame. I was totally gonna do a more update-on-my-life type thing, but I've dragged that on a bit and there's really nothign newsworthy. Not that anyone read this anyway. *tear. Haha jk.

Stay happy,

Listening to: "The Call" by Regina Spektor


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