Wtf, I'm such a packrat.

Glad to hear you sent your brother off safely, Sharon! Best of luck to him in college. Although I really should be wishing us two luck, seeing as how scared we are for the school you

And yeah about the packrat tendencies. I mean..like..not even in my room, which, if you've SEEN my closet and bookshelf and the interior of my drawers, you know how much crap I have. But I have a huge problem with deleting files off my computer and I have no idea why. Am I going to need to re-read my lab analysis on cell surface area to volume ratio? Do I REALLY ever listen to that crappy Lady GaGa song? Better to take the safer of two roads and just keep it here somewhere. No wonder my computer's memory is dyingggg...

I discovered all this in an effort to...SORT of do some cleaning/clearing out/organizing before school starts. Although, really I dragged it out a BIT too much, who knows how long it'll take to truly organize it rather than my usual method (i.e. shove everything out of sight). But really, this year I want to make an effort to be a lot more organized and keep my room neat. I'll still excuse myself for that one drawer in my dresser stuffed to the brim all willy-nilly, and that layer of debris under my bed. Hey, you can't expect me to change that much can you? ;)

Anyways, the only real good thing about starting school again is school supply shopping. I'm not sure what it is exactly about those rows and rows of different colored pens, pencils and highlighters that just makes me go a little crazy. xP. Speaking of which, R.I.P. old fugly brown backpack with Hawaiian flowers, and hello new, slightly less ugly plain black backpack. It's a good change, and it was only $14.99 at Costco! I love me some Costco, especially on freebie days.
The bad part is, is basically EVERYONE goes to Costco on Saturdays, and you're bound to see someone you know. I did, but I felt too awkward to say hi at first, and just kind of averted my eyes. But then we ended up in the lines next to each other, and at that point it really was too late so I had to wander away to avoid the situation..Yeah. Smooth.

Yup well. One more day of summer. Probably gonna spend it doing the work I should have been doing this whole time. :D
Currently Listening to on freakin' Repeat: "You and I Both" by Jason Mraz


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